All of Herbana products are sourced and processed in Indonesia. We work closely with local farmers, so we can monitor and control the quality and freshness of our herbs.
Expertly Researched
Our herbs and formulations are researched, perfected and developed by experts with years of experience. We integrate ancient wisdom with modern technology to bring you the best that nature has to offer.
Standardized Extraction
We process each of our herbs using advanced technology called the Quadra Extraction System. Our low temperature, closed extraction process ensures that our extracts are not only potent but remains hygienic and free of outside contaminants.
"My family & I have been consuming herbana for 3 years, currently we regularly consume Immusupport, apart from being the best alternative to vitamins, the formula is suitable to help maintain health during a pandemic nowadays."- Anaya Wiranta
"Received Meniran as a gift, and I was amazed at how well I felt whenever I wake up in the morning after consuming it regulary. Just placed another order of the Meniran, with additional Jahe Merah this time because I used to consume that on a regular basis in the form of a drink."- Deri Jindhar
"Saya mau order Jinten Hitam lagi karena benar-benar terasa khasiatnya untuk saya. Jadi tidak mudah lelah dan sakit walaupun padatnya kerjaan saya. Yang paling saya suka, Herbana ini alama jadi aman buat dikonsumsi. Terima kasih herbana sudah bantu saya mencari varian, pengirimannya cepat dan packagingnya oke."- Fani Febriani
"Saya sudah coba reliefSARI Jinten Hitam dan it works! Nggak lama siklus saya lancar, padahal tadinya bisa 2-3 bulan sekali."- Intan Aryono
"Aku kebetulan memiliki lambung yang sensitif, jadi nggak bisa makan pedas, asam atau makanan berpengawet terlalu banyak. Sebulan lalu aku mulai minum reliefSARI Kunyit dan aku benar terbantu banget! Kerasa badan kebih segar dan perut jarang sakit."- Rahmi Pertiwi