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Health 3 June 2019
By: Natasha Tanga

7 Tips to Get Back to Work After The Holidays


As the holidays are ending, reality hits and sets you back to face the hustle and bustle of your workplace. It would be especially hard to readjust your routine if you're not prepared, therefore we have compiled a number of practical tips you can utilize in order to get your pile of tasks done in the most effective manner. Read on!

1. Line-up your to-do list

After leaving your work for quite a while, it may be a little hard to condition your mind and get back on track. First, start by making a list of what’s important for today, this week, and maybe the week after. Then, you can try to declutter your e-mail inbox and sort out important files and papers on your desk. By having your things organized, it will certainly help you perform more efficiently and arrange your time better by focusing on tasks that need your attention right away and knowing what can wait until later in the week.

2.  Set time to do certain tasks

While procrastination may be an unshakable habit you can't avoid, it's truly best to actually arrange your working hours properly and set certain time limits in order to finish your works; especially when you have a pile of tasks waiting to be executed after the holidays. Therefore, try to set a timer and do your work uninterrupted for that given time. By challenging yourself to accomplish the task in a certain time limit, it will give you more motivation later to move on to the next task. The timeframe will guide your day so you can focus and reach all your target goals for the day and then relax when you’re finished!

3. Take breaks in-between work

No matter how pumped you are to accomplish your tasks before your time is up, it is equally important to consider your well-being. Therefore, get breaks in-between works so that your mind can rest and gets recharged throughout the day. This, of course, requires you to prioritize your to-do list and rearrange how you are going to do them. For example, if your priority tasks are large and time-consuming, break them down into small achievable goals so you still have time to take a break.

4. Avoid multitasking

You may think that you are able to juggle a number of tasks at the same time, but it's important to realize that multitasking can actually rob your concentration level pretty easily. Therefore, focus on one task at a time and work yourself towards finishing up your pile, one after the other. You can also try to ease yourself back into work mode by starting with the easiest task and continue based on the priority level of your tasks. 

5. Remove distractions

Scrolling through one's social media feed may be a mindless pastime almost everyone does; however, do you realize how much time you waste by doing such habit? You can utilize all those potentially wasted time into good use, and that is to catch up on work you had left during the holidays. Remember, you've had your fun during vacation break. Now is the time to actually perform your best and get some work done.

6. Don't force yourself to do overtime

Are you thinking about doing overtime to make up for time spent on vacation? Honestly, it’s not necessary, as you will eventually be able to catch up with all the work if you're disciplined enough to adhere to your proper work routine. Taking overtime can actually create an opposite effect and leave you dragging yourself to go to the office the next day as you are quickly getting bored and tired of trying to finish up your work.

7. Schedule something fun after work

Last but not least, don't forget to reward yourself after a long day at work. Arrange some down time after work that you can look forward to, like catching up with some friends or simply treating yourself to a marathon of your favorite TV series. The key of doing effective work is to strike that balance, so utilize this unwinding time to your benefit and show up at work the next day with a more positive and energized mindset.