As the largest organ in the body, skin acts as a barometer of overall wellness. Skin health is determined not only by a good beauty regime and the things you apply topically, but also depends on the things you eat. Therefore, there are definitely many benefits to adopting a healthy eating plan, as foods that are good for skin are also generally the best foods for overall wellbeing. On this week's journal, we will be explaining a number of healthy eating habits you can do to have a healthier skin. Read on!
1. Avoid consuming too much sugar
A diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar not only can trigger weight gain and increases risk of diabetes, but also causes inflammation in the body. Excess sugar consumption is harmful to your overall health including skin. It can contribute to frequent skin problems like premature ageing, sensitive skin, rosacea and acne. When you consume artificial sugars, often found in processed food, it can also increase the possibility of histamine reactions like itching and redness. Therefore, try to switch your consumption to natural sugar sources like fruits.
2. Reduce sodium consumption
Aside from triggering high blood pressure in the long run, high salt intake on your diet can also affect skin health, since salt increases the retention of water in skin cells, making them swell. Consuming sodium-rich foods like pickles, chips, cured meats, and sauces can make the skin under your eyes puff and leave one looking tired. Therefore, make sure to have adequate hydration to flush the sodium out of your system.
3. Ensure ample hydration
When you tend to consume foods high in salt, make sure to compensate with enough intake of fluid, especially water, to reduce any chance of dehydration. Moreover, drinking water is the simplest way to maintain healthy skin, as it can also flush out toxins from your system. This, in turn, can affect the appearance of your skin by giving it a natural glow from the inside.
4. Reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption
Also remember to reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake. These beverages are often the culprit of dehydration of the body, including skin cells. Alcohol is also known to affect vitamin A uptake and your skin complexion. While caffeine is beneficial to keep you awake during the day, consuming more than 2 cups per day can trigger the production and release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can cause dry skin and premature wrinkling when released excessively.
5. Reduce intake of dairy products
Even though dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, they also contain animal hormones which can ruin the appearance of your skin. These hormones exacerbates sebum production in the skin, causing it to release more oil and results in acne breakout and clog skin pores. Therefore, limit your consumption of dairy products in order to keep your skin healthy.
6. Incorporate more healthy fats in your diet
Fat is one of the food components that are often overlooked although its benefits is good for overall health, including skin. Healthy sources of fat, like essential fatty acids found in salmon and walnuts is needed, as they are not produced by the body. Some of the healthy fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, help preserve the water content in the cells and prevent acne. Other source of healthy fat like olive oil is packed with oleic acid that aids in omega-3 absorption as well as fights against skin cancer.
7. Consume natural supplements
When trying to take care of your skin holistically, your intake habits determine most of your results. Therefore, aside from consuming the right foods and avoiding bad habits that might ruin your progress, it's also important to consume natural supplements that can help you take care of your skin health. Relief Sari Kulit Manggis from Herbana is formulated to improve your immunity, as well as taking care of your skin from the inside out. Made from natural plant extracts, the herbal concoction is safe to be consumed everyday, ensuring good health even for those who are constantly on the go.