The body's natural defense system, also known as immune system, is important to be nurtured and maintained properly in order to safeguard the body from potential intruders, like virus or bacterial infection. While there is no proven ways to boost immunity instantly, there are quite a few habits that you can implement in your daily life in order to ensure strong and well-working defense system. On this week's journal, we will be explaining a number of habits that can be helpful in maintaining overall health as well as strengthening immunity. Read on!
1. Be more physically active
There are no doubts that exercising daily has a significant impact for your health. Aside from keeping those weights off and maintaining proper metabolism rate, exercise can also help aid immunity when done right. Spending 30 minutes a day on exercise can provide the body with increased blood flow, reduce stress hormones, as well as reducing inflammation. All this help contribute to better immune response and prevents you from getting down with various illnesses, especially those caused by viruses or bacteria. Be careful to not overdo your exercise routine, however, since it may cause a reverse effect and lower your immunity, making you more susceptible to infections.
2. Get exposed to sunlight
Even though a lot of activities are being done at the comfort of your own home, it's beneficial to spare some time during the day to also go out and feel the sun hit your skin. Of course, it is recommended to do this when the UV levels aren't as high, like during early mornings or late afternoon. Sun exposure is known to be beneficial to bone health and also helps to strengthen immunity, as vitamin D is activated in the body as the sun strike your skin. Bonus points if you pair it with exercise, as you can obtain both vitamin D and rev up your metabolism at the same time.
3. Reduce sugar intake
Our diet plays a major role in determining the state of our health, hence the saying, 'you are what you eat'. During this pandemic, since a lot of physical activities have been cut down from our daily lives, it is recommended to pay more attention to the things you eat, especially fatty foods and sweet treats. Sugar intake is tricky to control when you are not regulating it. Therefore, make a priority to consume more healthy carbohydrates like fruits and grains like rice, and cut down on processed food loaded with sugar, such as cakes and cookies. Don't forget to cut liquid calorie intake too, as this is often forgotten factor when trying to reduce sugar consumption.
4. Get enough sleep
For some, sleeping is a daunting task due to health conditions like insomnia, lack of sun exposure, or using too much of your electronic device before going to bed. The body will regulate itself through a thing called circadian rhythm, which enables you to fall asleep and wake up at a set time every day. However, if your circadian rhythm is off, the body will have a hard time falling asleep and makes you sleep deprived as a result. It is certainly not a good thing for your well being, as the body repairs and regenerates cells, as well as processing toxins during your night time rest. Lack of sleep can also lower your immunity and worsens your mood. Therefore, make sure to have enough sleep each night, at least 7-9 hours in order to maintain proper health, including strong immunity.
5. Take care of your mental well-being
Lastly, the state of your mind also largely determines the way your body responds to illnesses as well as affecting your immune system. Stress, for example, may cause the body to produce more cortisol, a stress hormone, as well as decreasing the production of lymphocytes or commonly known as white blood cells. While a certain ampunt of cortisol in the blood may temporarily boost immunity, having too much of it may exacerbate inflammation and weakens your defense system. Therefore, having a good stress management regime is crucial in maintaining a strong and well-working immunity. Taking some time off to do your hobbies, going out for a walk, or relaxing may help in controlling your stress levels.