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Health 8 June 2020
By: Natasha Tanga

5 Ways to Maintain Healthy Routine after Ramadan


After 30 days of fasting during Ramadan, our body has more or less adapt to  new eating habits and shorter time frame to sleep. Therefore, it's important to do some adjustments to your daily diet in order to get back to your normal routine seamlessly. You may keep some of healthy habits that you've formed during fasting month, but it's equally beneficial to condition your digestion system, sleeping habit, and regulate your hormones. On this week's journal, we will be explaining a number of tips you can implement as you adjust back to normal life. Read on!

1. Adjust your eating portions

During Ramadan, you are only allowed to eat two times each day, on Suhoor and Iftar. It could be a good training ground for your body to recognize a pattern of hunger and satiety, as well as reducing unhealthy eating habits like overeating. Now that the Holy Month is over, you need to consider a reintroduction of normal eating habits. Some experts suggest consuming frequent yet smaller meal portions to prevent digestion problems and unstable blood sugar levels. In general, it's best to be mindful of the amount of food you are consuming. For example, limiting your carbohydrate intake during dinner and increasing portions of fruits and vegetables.

2. Consume nutritious meals

Transitioning back into a consistent eating schedule may be a little tricky, as the body tries to get accustomed to the previous habit you had before Ramadan. Aside from conditioning the body through portion control, experts suggest that you consume a balanced diet, consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats. Keep the consumption of sweet treats and fried foods to a minimum, as these types tend to create imbalance in blood sugar levels, increase cholesterol and slows down your metabolism. Also make sure to aid the body with enough fluid, in order to reduce water retention and keep dehydration at bay.

3. Adjust your sleeping pattern

It's not a secret that your sleep time may be reduced in Ramadan, since you need to wake up early for Suhoor. Therefore, it's equally important to regain balance in this area. Disrupted sleep may cause future health problems, from weight gain, mood swings, to more chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Try to not go back to sleep after breakfast and also avoid napping during the day if you can, in order to restore your normal sleeping rhythm.

4. Get moving

For some if not most people, exercising during Ramadan may be a challenge to do as you obtain water and food only during certain period of time. Some people may not exercise at all during this time due to low levels of energy. Now that you are returning to your normal habits, implement exercise in your daily routine to support better health.

If you've been inactive during the past month, try not to force yourself into a rigorous exercise. You may not feel as fit as you were before, and therefore may injure yourself more easily. It's a wiser decision to increase the intensity bit by bit as you go through the week. Not only will exercise help you get back in shape, it can also improve your mood, as the body releases endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine during the regime.

5. Consume supplements to aid digestive health

Changes in dietary habits may disrupt your digestion, resulting in constipation or bloating. Especially after Ramadan, the need to increase consumption of foods that aid digestion can be important for your digestive health. Foods that are rich in probiotic, like yogurt, kimchi, and other fermented options can help elevate good bacteria in your system and balances your gut flora.

Another thing you can do is to consume natural supplements that help maintain a healthy digestion. Herbana's Relief Sari Kunyit, for example, is made from 100% natural herb extract and safe for consumption with minimal side effects. Maintaining your gut health is not only beneficial to optimize digestion, but also improving metabolism and strengthen immunity, something that is crucial to have during this pandemic to protect you from unwanted illnesses.