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As a new mom, it can be challenging to breastfeed your newborn. Plenty of new habits needs to be learned and implemented as a nursing mother. A lot of mothers face problems when it comes to breastmilk production and it becomes tempting to divert to formula feeds for convenience. But what if you want to keep giving breastmilk to your newborn while you aren't even producing much? Below, we have listed 8 tips for you increase your breastmilk supply.
1. Nurse Often
Feed your baby when he or she appears to be hungry. You can prevent an upset, crying baby if you pick up early hunger signals. If he /she is crying, it is often a late hunger signal. Keep in mind that the more your little one nurses, the more milk your body will create.
Make sure baby nurses from both breasts during each nursing session. Every time that your baby starts comfort sucking, loses interest, or starts falling asleep, take that as a cue to switch sides. This stimulates both breasts to make more milk and helps to ensure your baby is fully emptying each breast.
2. Pump After Nursing
If you’re going to be heading back to work, establishing a pumping routine early will make for a smoother transition, and will also help you build a more constant flow. If you are a stay-at-home mom, pumping after nursing will help boost your production and give you some milk to have on hand if you want to take a nap or go out for a quick breather.
Being able to breastfeed, though, is still the best option for your baby and breastmilk supply. This will also help with the production of oxytocin, which is involved with milk production.
3. Check If Your Baby is Properly Latched
Without a proper latch, it’s impossible for your baby to entirely drain the breast. To make sure if your baby is latched on properly, check if he has a wide open mouth and the nipple is going towards the back of his mouth. If nursing doesn’t hurt that’s a good tip that her latch is good, but it never hurts to check. If you happen to have sore nipples, it could be due to a poor latch, so correcting the problem first is important.
4. Avoid Using Pacifiers
Any time that your baby spends sucking on a pacifier is time lost on stimulating your milk production. The early months can be difficult when it seems like your baby has become permanently attached to you, but it’s the best thing for your baby, and your supply.
5. Wear the Right-Fitting Bra
Wearing a bra that compresses your breasts or that is too tight around the band can cause issues with milk flow. The wrong bra can sometimes lead to plugged ducts, which are uncomfortable and also mean that no milk is coming from that part of your breast.
6. Drink Plenty Of Water
Breastfeeding makes for thirsty work, and your body will suffer if you’re not drinking plenty of water – to the tune of constipation, haemorrhoids and nasty anal fissures. When you don’t drink enough water, your energy, concentration and focus also decreases.
7. Eating A Healthy, Balanced, Diet
Last but not least, make sure you're eating enough nutritious food to produce sufficient breastmilk. Going on a diet is not recommended unless its specifically breastfeeding friendly. Breastfeeding mothers need more calories than a non-breastfeeding woman, but they should be nutritious calories. Make sure you’re getting plenty of leafy greens, good fats (avocado, chia seeds, eggs, salmon), fresh veggies in a range of colours, protein (keeps you full), oatmeal, nuts and seeds.
8. Take Galactagogues
Galactagogues are substances that may help mothers who are having trouble meeting their infant's breastfeeding needs. Natural options are abundant and have been used for centuries to help increase breastmilk supply. The most famous galactagogue in Indonesia in Daun Katuk or Sweet Leaf. Traditionally, this herb has been used for centuries in Indonesia to not only increase breastmilk supply, but also as an immune booster and source of iron for new mothers.