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As the holiday season is fast approaching, a lot of us are already planning to take some time off work and travel somewhere to replenish our mind. However, with the ever-changing temperature and weather condition, our physical condition are often put to the test, not to mention the fatigue that comes with traveling can also supress our immune levels. For this week's journal, we have compiled some tips for you to shield yourself and enjoy your time for the upcoming holidays.
1. Hydrate frequently
This tip will especially come in handy if you’re traveling by plane as longer flights can leave you dehydrated. There's a lot of dry air going around inside plane cabins and not hydrating frequently isn't good for health. Drinking often will keep your system running smoothly, lessen your jet lag, and get your body moving. A few trips to the bathroom are a small price to pay to avoid stiff muscles and dehydration.
2. Pack your own snacks
Most of the time when you’re traveling, healthy food options might get scarce, so it’s always safer to pack your own snacks. Grab tasty things like unsalted nuts, fruit, protein or snack bars. This will also save you money as airport foods are more expensive.
3. Get enough rest
Constantly moving can put pressure on your body and mind, so make sure you’re getting all the sleep you need. Choose accommodations where you can recharge at the end of the day and get some rest. Small tip: if you’re traveling abroad, avoid taking a nap right after you check into your hotel as this could jeopardize your natural sleep clock. Stay up until bedtime in the new time zone and then catch up on your lost sleep to get yourself used to the new sleep schedule.
4. Do short workouts
When you're on vacation, often enough, your schedule will almost always look different than your usual daily routine. Therefore, it’s not always feasible to wake up every single morning and work out; it's your downtime after all. Instead, do small workouts than are both practical and beneficial for you. For instance, explore the city by foot instead of taking cabs. Walk up the stairs instead of taking an elevator or the escalator. Find a local gym and take a few classes, or practice yoga in your hotel room. Get your heart rate up in easy ways that work for you.
5. Never skip on healthy food
It might be tempting to try all the new variety of delicacies you might find at your new destination, but it is also equally important to leave some room for the healthy necessities your body needs to stay healthy. Although your diet plans might be less strict during vacation time, never skip on fruits and vegetables as these sources of fiber are beneficial for your bowel movements as well as providing you with important building blocks for the body. Sneak in some fruits as snacks or have a portion of vegetables during lunch won't hurt!
6. Build up your immunity by taking in vitamins
While packing your first aid medicine is mandatory when taking a trip, don't forget to pack your "armors" as well! Most of the time, it is much better to prevent illnesses that can occur during vacation instead of curing them. That way, you can still be healthy and enjoy the sights and activities your destination offers. One of the ways you can do this is by prepping yourself with Herbana's Immune Booster Package. The herbal trio that consists of Meniran, Jinten Hitam and Kunyit, is perfect for you to shield yourself from unwanted viruses or illnesses that can disrupt your holiday mood.
7. Enjoy your time off
Even though you want to perfectly organize a rundown for your trip, it is wise to keep a loose schedule and give yourself some flexibility when planning your itinerary. Lose the pressure and the stress of trying to fit everything in, instead leave a little room for some spontaneity. It's perfectly okay to enjoy your trip and indulge in some delicious street food or a few glasses of wine instead of working out like you originally planned. You can always choose healthier options later on. Give yourself room to breathe, especially when it comes to enjoying your downtime.