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Health 2 December 2017
Oleh: Natasha Tanga

7 Healthy Eating Habits You Need to Know


Most of the time, people are very absorbed with the notion that more exercise means a much healthier physique and thus slimmer body. However, the fact has stated otherwise. Exercise may play a certain percentage in your health journey, but implementing healthy eating habits is also equally important, if not more important. For this week's journal, we have compiled a few pointers on how you can elevate your diet habits into a healthier one.

1. Eat breakfast daily

You will be more successful at losing weight—and keeping it off—when they eat breakfast. If you don’t already eat breakfast, start. If you are already a breakfast eater, try eating the same breakfast multiple days each week. Repeating the same meals can help you shed pounds, according to research. Try to incorporate fiber and protein into your breakfast, as they will help to keep you full until lunch time, thus lessening the chances for you to snack. Also, aim for a portable and ready in less than 5 minutes meal,so that you can enjoy your breakfast almost anywhere.

2. Downsize your portions

Studies show that we eat less when we use smaller plate to eat. The theory is that our eyes get tricked into thinking we are eating more because our plate is full, making the food portions look bigger. This will result in satisfaction with less food, so try eating your meals on small bowls/salad plates instead of larger dinner plates.

3. Rehydrate often

This point makes much sense as 70% of water is what makes our bodies, thus it is essential for the body to receive its much needed daily dose of minerals through water. Drinking plenty of water helps detoxify the body as well as gives you a glowing skin. Although keep in mind to  avoid drinking water during meals as it slows down the digestion process and will damage your kidneys in the long run. It is advisable to have water 30 minutes before or after having your food.

4. Chew your food

One of the easiest and obvious ways to digest food is to chew it. Most people often eat their food in a hurry and tend to skip chewing their food properly. While what you eat eventually does get digested, but a barely chewed food takes more time and tires your digestive system. Besides, the more you chew your food, the easier it becomes for your stomach to digest it and the more calories you burn moving those jaws.

5. Keep away from fast food and soft drinks

Although it may appease your taste buds, fast-food usually does a lot of harm to the body. It can be unhygienic and also high on unhealthy fats like trans-fats. Also, carbonated soft drinks have a high sugar content which may lead to obesity, diabetes and dental caries. Instead of these harmful drinks, choose to refresh yourself with a glass of water or lemonade.

6. Eat a clean & balanced meal

Adding fruits and green leafy vegetables to your diet will always be beneficial. They are a rich source of proteins, iron, calcium and fiber. Plus, they are easy to prepare and quite appetizing too. Proteins are vital for the body and should definitely be included in the diet as well. Broccoli, soybeans, lentils, asparagus and spinach are some commonly found protein rich foods. Low-fat dairy products are also a rich source of proteins. Make sure that your body receives the required amount of proteins daily.

7. Never starve yourself

If you are desperate to lose weight, drastic measures, such as starving yourselves, seem to be the answer. However, not eating to achieve weight loss does more harm than good. Yes, it may give you initial and drastic weight loss but what most people don’t know is that the weight will eventually come back. Starvation can actually be harmful to your health.

Starvation will slow down metabolism. When your metabolism slows down, the body will use muscle for energy, hence muscle is lost, and not fat. This will also make the body store more fat than burning it. If you starve yourself, you may end up consuming more food later on. Your hunger will lead you to overeat, which will then lead to weight gain. 

It will also affect your overall performance. Since your body does not get the proper nutrients it needs to function well, your work and daily activities will suffer. Even simple decision-making will be difficult for you. Plus, it will also take a toll on your emotional state since hunger makes people angry and irrational most of the time.